Monday, February 28, 2011

JPJ Website

I have discovered a very useful website talk about JPJ, i like the summary of ‘JPJ Offices Open on Weekend’. It realy helpful for us as office workers.
The address of Malaysia JPJ is

Friday, February 18, 2011

Kuala Lumpur MRT

The proposed 3-line 150 km Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system in KL comprising two northeast-southwest radial lines and one circle line looping around Kuala Lumpur.


Perhentian Islands

The Perhentian Islands are two islands named Pulau Perhentian Kecil (Small Perhentian Island) and Pulau Perhentian Besar (Large Perhentian Island).


Malaysia Passport Website

Found a website truly focus on Malaysia Passport. I like the summary immigration offices that open on weekend. It is good news for office workers like me.

The website: